The Nationals WA welcomes new PNP members
Leader of The Nationals WA Mia Davies MLA has congratulated incoming Member for Roe Peter Rundle MLA and Member for the Agricultural Region Hon Colin de Grussa MLC on their…
Leader of The Nationals WA Mia Davies MLA has congratulated incoming Member for Roe Peter Rundle MLA and Member for the Agricultural Region Hon Colin de Grussa MLC on their…
The 2017 Federal Budget has reaffirmed the failure of Western Australia’s 16 Federal Liberal MPs to properly represent their State. The Nationals WA Leader Mia Davies said the pitiful $226…
The Nationals WA have rejected Corruption and Crime Commission head John McKechnie’s blanket criticism of regional local governments, saying it will make it harder to attract good quality candidates as…
Nationals Leader Mia Davies has called on the Minister for Regional Development to clarify the future of the State’s nine Regional Development Commissions amidst concern they will be reduced to…
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison’s ordering of a Productivity Commission inquiry into the GST carve-up is no cause for celebration and is most definitely not a victory for WA. The people…
Nationals WA Leader Mia Davies has warned everyday West Australians will pay for Labor’s “lighter touch” approach to legacy iron ore miners BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. Responding to Mark…
WA Nationals Leader Mia Davies says Mark McGowan’s plan to dilute the Department of Regional Development shows just how low regional Western Australia is on Labor’s list of priorities. …
Labor must come clean with the Port Hedland community if it intends to scrap the long-awaited Spoilbank Marina project, according to Nationals WA Mining and Pastoral Hon Jacqui Boydell MLC. …
With the final votes being counted from the State election, it appears that I have been unsuccessful in my bid to retain my Mining and Pastoral Region seat. It has…
Leader of The Nationals WA Mia Davies has condemned WA’s Federal Members of Parliament for failing to fight against the State’s disgraceful GST return. Ms Davies questioned how WA’s Federal…