Local Member Mia Davies has announced $100,000 in Royalties for Regions funding from the Watering WA Towns program allowing the Shire of Cunderdin to complete stage two of its Stormwater Harvesting Project.
Ms Davies said the Shire had been actively planning to secure a range of low cost non-potable water supplies to keep public amenity areas green and healthy.
“The latest funding will allow the Shire to connect the town’s stormwater drainage system to a new 4.7 megalitre silt trap dam and 36.7 megalitre turkey nest dam,” she said
“With a co-contribution of just over $54,000 by the Shire, the new non-potable water supply will replace the Shire’s reliance on scheme water use for irrigation of town lawns and gardens and public open spaces areas.
“It will result in an estimated $54,000 saving each year for the Shire and ratepayers.”
A portion of land at Cunderdin Agricultural College, where Ms Davies visited on Wednesday, will be made available to enable construction of the silt trap dam.
Banks will be constructed along Waragul Creek to direct the town’s stormwater into the new silt trap dam, which will address local erosion issues before being pumped into the turkey nest dam.
A new power supply will be connected and pipe and pump infrastructure installed to two new 150 kilolitre tanks located at the Cunderdin sporting oval for storage prior to irrigation.
Ms Davies congratulated the Shire for prioritising water security for the community and its successful application for Watering WA funding.
Member for the Agricultural Region Hon Martin Aldridge MLC said Royalties for Regions investment was providing regional communities with more diverse and resilient low cost water sources.
“The $30 million Royalties for Regions funded Watering WA initiative puts in place innovative and sustainable whole-of-water cycle management to facilitate strategies for the long-term growth and development of regional WA,” he said.
“Access to secure, reliable, local non-drinking water sources ensures that our regional communities, farms and businesses and can continue to thrive and grow.”
For more information please contact Mia Davies on 9622 2871 (Northam office), 9041 1702 (Merredin office) or email mia.davies@mp.wa.gov.au.