After visiting the Wheatbelt and Great Southern, Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport the Hon Darren Chester is now aware of the challenging transport needs WA is facing and the funding needed to upgrade local roads and key transport corridors in the region.
Member for the Central Wheatbelt Hon Mia Davies and Member for Agricultural Region Hon Martin Aldridge were pleased to see a Federal Minister interested in developing and investing in regional WA.
“It’s fantastic to have Minister Chester in the region to see the condition of our roads and the funding we need to improve extensive stretches of the State’s major highways and local government roads,” Ms Davies said.
The Minister travelled from Albany to Kalgoorlie, stopping via Jerramungup, Ravensthorpe, Lake Grace, Kulin, Kondinin, Narembeen, Merredin and Southern Cross to meet with farmers, transport operators, local government and businesses.
Increased funding to improve road safety and carry out continual maintenance on commodity corridors and National highways was raised with the Minister as well as the prospect of creating special tourist routes.
“Our meetings were productive and I believe Minister Chester has a firm understanding of what Wheatbelt communities need and how the Federal Government can support road safety outcomes and delivering an efficient road and rail transport network,” Mr Aldridge said.
The Minister also travelled from Merredin to Southern Cross with local transport company Great Eastern Freightlines to inspect first-hand the condition of the Great Eastern Highway, a Federal transport route.
“We often see Federal Ministers fly in and fly out of our vast State. Minister Chester proved he is committed to his portfolio and regional WA, as he made sure he spent time travelling our roads and understanding local issues,” Ms Davies said.
The Nationals WA recently announced $48 million as part of the $350 million Seizing the Opportunity in Agriculture initiative to improve Local Government roads burdened by heavy transport as well as $15 million for strategic agricultural lime routes in the Wheatbelt.
“With the rising demand for WA produce the upgrades announced will ensure our roads can support the increased traffic and are safer for heavy freight and locals to travel on.
“This strategic investment is just another example of what Royalties for Regions and The Nationals WA are delivering not only for the transport and the agricultural industry but for country residents across the state,” Ms Davies said.
For more information please contact Mia Davies on 08 9041 1702 (Merredin office), 08 9622 2871 (Northam office) or email or Martin Aldridge on 9324 3155 or email