Master plan to be developed for future of Gascoyne food bowl
Part of Liberal National Government’s Royalties for Regions-funded Water for Food program
A new master plan will be developed to guide the future expansion of the Gascoyne food bowl as part of the Liberal National Government’s $40 million Royalties for Regions-funded Water for Food program.
“I am pleased to announce the Water for Food program will fund and co-ordinate development of the Gascoyne Master Plan project as part of its $2.6 million Middle Gascoyne Ground Water investigation project,” Water Minister Mia Davies said in Carnarvon today.
“The plan will be developed by the departments of Water and Agriculture and Food, in consultation with other government agencies, and the Gascoyne Reference Group.”
Ms Davies said the master plan would include work already underway as part of the State Government’s response to water challenges identified by the Carnarvon Ministerial Advisory Committee.
“The proposed Gascoyne Master Plan will go beyond water investigations to focus on the horticultural and pastoral potential of the district. I have asked Parliamentary Secretary and North West Central MLA Vince Catania to chair the group, and former National Water Commission chairwoman Karlene Maywald to assist.”
Agriculture and Food Minister Dean Nalder said the master plan would harness the work of the Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative into a bigger plan for lifting productivity in the existing irrigation footprint, providing new land release opportunities and innovative ideas for local food processing and value adding.
“The Gascoyne Master Plan will define market development strategies, export logistics requirements, and also look at ways to create uplift in the Gascoyne pastoral sectors,” Mr Nalder said.
Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the master plan project would align all current initiatives with the Gascoyne Regional Development Blueprint vision of expanding the existing 1,200 hectare horticultural area to 3,600ha over the next 35 years.
“This should see an annual horticultural production of $230 million and a regional workforce growing from 375 to 1,100, building a flourishing regional community. The aim is for pastoral production value to increase from $35 million to $60 million annually by identifying suitable groundwater for irrigated fodder production and intensive grazing,” Mr Redman said.
Fact File
For more information, visit http://www.waterforfood.wa.gov.au