Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies says the first year of Water Corporation’s $32 million three-year farmlands water supply improvement program has created new business for local Wheatbelt contractors.
Of the 20 contracts awarded to date a total of 18 have gone to Wheatbelt businesses, including two wholly-owned and operated Aboriginal companies.
“I’m pleased to have initiated this critical program during my role as Minister for Water because the farmlands project has had a positive outcome for the local economy and is improving the reliability of our ageing pipe network,” Ms Davies said.
“What is particularly satisfying is the participation of Aboriginal contractors such as Waalitij Pty Ltd, a Noongar group that is undertaking pipe banding work for the Water Corporation along the Sherzinger Road between Wyalkatchem and Trayning.
“I met up with Waalitij’s Kim O’Neill and Kayden Kickett in the Wheatbelt this week and congratulated them on their enterprise in helping us deliver better outcomes for the water supply network in the region.”
Ms Davies said $3.5 million had so far been invested through the farmlands program resulting in the replacement of more than 14km of water pipes and over 4200 pipeline repair bands installed across the Wheatbelt.
“Importantly, the banding repair work on pipeline joints was providing new opportunities for local welding contractors not previously on Water Corporation’s welding panel,” she said.
Ms Davies said the largest pipeline repair project to be undertaken through the farmlands project would soon be finished, involving 1000 new bands on joints along the main pipeline from Northam to Wongan Hills.
Ms Davies said there would be more opportunities for local businesses to bid for pipe replacement and pipeline repair projects during 2017.
The farmlands water supply improvement project will replace 64km of pipeline and repair 7500 pipeline joints over three years.
Over the next two years work will be undertaken in the shires of York, Dowerin, Northam, Merredin, Kellerberrin, Trayning, Nungarin, Coolgardie, Dalwallinu, Wyalkatchem, Yilgarn, Mount Marshall, Toodyay, Bruce Rock, Goomalling, Wongan-Ballidu, Cunderdin and Mukinbudin.
For information about future opportunities or to bid for work, visit Water Corporation’s website
For media enquiries please contact Mia Davies on 9041 1702 (Merredin office), 9622 2871 (Northam office) or email
Local Member Mia Davies MLA met with Waalitij Pty Ltd contractors in the Wheatbelt recently.