The Nationals WA will fast-track and fully fund a brand-new Meekatharra Hospital if returned to Government in 2025.
Leader Shane Love MLA made the announcement in Meekatharra this week.
“The Nationals in Government will deliver a new Meekatharra Hospital by providing an additional $10 million towards the overall project cost to eliminate any barriers to delivery, and by fast-tracking the procurement process,” Mr Love said.
“This will provide a total project budget of $59 million, ensuring a state-of-the-art hospital to replace the outdated facilities and meet the growing healthcare needs of the community.”
Mr Love pledged that the new hospital would be funded and delivered in the first term of a Nationals Government.
“The future of the Meekatharra Hospital will no longer sit in limbo, as it has done under the Cook Labor Government for many years,” he said.
The current hospital was constructed in 1954 and is in dire need of replacement.
“It’s an ageing facility which is no longer fit-for-purpose in providing for the modern healthcare needs of the region,” Mr Love said.
“A new, modern hospital in Meekatharra will provide an upgraded and enhanced emergency department, more beds, and better integration with existing services, including aged care, mental health services and the Royal Flying Doctor Service.”
Mr Love said the new hospital was vitally needed to attract healthcare staff to the region.
“Over half of the positions at Meekatharra hospital are currently vacant, which puts immense pressure on the remaining staff, and means the State Government must rely on costly agency nurses to deliver FIFO healthcare.
“This isn’t an ideal outcome for any regional community. Providing a contemporary hospital is key to attracting and retain high-quality staff who want to live and work in the regions.”
The recent State Budget failed to allocate any new funding or provide a timeline for construction of the new Meekatharra Hospital to commence.
“Ahead of the last State election, WA Labor made an election commitment to build a new hospital in Meekatharra and promised construction would commence during the current term of Government.
“Yet in their final State Budget before the 2025 election, no progress has been made, no new funding has been committed, and there is no timeframe for when this important project will commence.
“This represents another blatant broken promise by the Cook Labor Government for regional health and shows they can’t be trusted to deliver for Mid West communities.
“Only The Nationals WA will ensure the Meekatharra Hospital is funded and delivered.”