Leader of The Nationals WA Shane Love MLA has praised the decision to extend trading hours in Albany
starting next year but has also pointed out the glaring double standard in retail regulations between regional
areas and Perth.
“Albany and the Great Southern will soon enjoy greater freedom when it comes to retail trading hours than
what is currently allowed in Perth,” Mr Love said.
“While shoppers in Albany will be able to visit stores from 10am on Sundays and Public Holidays, those in the
metropolitan region are still stuck with outdated restrictions.
“It’s absurd that Perth consumers can shop online with multinational companies like Amazon and eBay 24-
hours a day, yet they remain shut out from supporting small retailers in their local communities until almost
lunchtime on a Sunday.”
Mr Love highlighted the frustration of businesses and consumers in Perth, with research from the WA Chamber
of Commerce and Industry identifying strong support for extended trading.
“There’s overwhelming demand from both businesses and households in the metro area for more flexible
hours, yet these freedoms remain out of reach under WA Labor.”
Mr Love said the process undertaken by the City of Albany showed the value of empowering local
governments to set the trading hours mix that was right for their communities.
“The decision to extend trading hours was only made after extensive community consultation which found
widespread support for the proposal, before going to the local government for a vote, where it was
unanimously supported,” Mr Love said.
“This is exactly the model that local governments in the metropolitan area deserve to have access to, allowing
them to consult and engage with their local community and business sector and make a decision that meets
their needs.”
The Nationals WA are the only Party committed to widespread extended trading hours reform in the Perth CBD
– a decision which was formally announced at the recent State Conference in Bunbury just last weekend.
“The Nationals in Government will implement legislative changes across the metropolitan region so local
governments across Perth have the ability to set local trading hours, a power which already exists in regional
WA,” Mr Love said.
“And we will deregulate trading in the CBD to allow for true, 24/7 trading which is necessary for Perth to
become a modern, vibrant, global city for locals and visitors.
“Under Labor, it’s just business as usual, but The Nationals will give businesses and consumers the choice to
open and shop at times that suit them.”