36 regional communities are set to benefit from innovative projects at their local visitor centres thanks to the latest round of the State Government’s Regional Visitor Centre Sustainability Grant Program.
The investment of $4.2 million over three years in the program is made possible by Tourism WA and Royalties for Regions.
Nationals Member for the South West, Colin Holt MLC said the program is helping visitor centres remain viable and adaptable in the changing tourism landscape.
“Visitor centres play a vital role in boosting regional tourism, employment and skills development,” Mr Holt said.
“Overall, visitor centres employ more than 900 local people and inject $117 million into the State’s economy annually.”
Mr Holt said research showed that travellers tend to spend more time and money in an area when they use a visitor centre.
“Tourists spent $4.5 billion in regional Western Australia in 2015-16. By offering a warm welcome and a wealth of local knowledge, visitor centres play a vital role in this important industry,” Mr Holt said.
In the South West Region; Albany, Busselton, Collie, Donnybrook, Dwellingup, Harvey and Margaret River Visitor Centres have all been successful in their funding applications.
More than $1 million was available in the 2016-17 round to assist regional visitor centres throughout the State with sustainability initiatives such as accreditation, renewable energy, on-site attractions, technology and interior redesign.
For more information visit: www.tourism.wa.gov.au/otherfunding
For media enquiries please contact Office of Colin Holt MLC on (08) 9724 1181