The Nationals WA have announced they will restore and reform Royalties for Regions as a major
election commitment ahead of the 2025 State election.
Leader Shane Love outlined a suite of significant policy announcements The Nationals in
Government would deliver at the Party’s State Conference and Convention in Bunbury today.
“The Nationals WA will restore Royalties for Regions, and reform the legislation governing this
significant regional investment program, so no future Government can butcher the program, as Labor
has done over the past eight years,” Mr Love said.
“Since 2017, Labor has squandered the potential of Royalties for Regions, spending a grand total of
$1.5 billion across regional water subsidies, TAFE subsidies, and regional school buses – all
programs which should be delivered through ordinary government spending.
“In doing so, Labor has left regional communities without the crucial support they need to deliver longterm, transformative projects that benefit families, businesses and communities across regional WA.”
“This is a non-negotiable for us. Royalties for Regions must be restored and reformed.”
The Royalties for Regions program was developed and delivered by The Nationals in Government
from 2008-2017, quarantining 25 per cent of mining royalties to deliver new projects and fund crucial
services in regional WA.
The Nationals WA also made the following election commitments at State Conference:
Abolishing stamp duty for first home buyers: A $160 million commitment to make home
ownership more affordable for 20,000 families over four years.
Regional Health Infrastructure Fund: A $400 million commitment to deliver new and upgraded
regional hospitals and healthcare facilities, including the Meekatharra Hospital and Geraldton
Radiation Oncology Unit.
A $100 million boost to the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme: Expanding the scheme to an
additional 50,000 families by including allied and dental health for the first time and lifting the fuel and
accommodation subsidies.
Expanded retail trading hours in the metropolitan region: Deregulating trading hours in the Perth
CBD to allow for 24/7 trading, and reforming the Retail Trading Hours Act to allow metropolitan local
governments to choose their local trading hours, as is the case in regional WA.
Implementing a State Policy Framework for renewables and critical resources: Providing much-needed leadership to support local governments navigating an influx of renewable energy proposals.
Mr Love said The Nationals WA were making their election policy clear well in advance of the State
“We’re focusing on what matters, like housing and health care, supporting WA’s business sector, and
delivering practical solutions where others won’t,” Mr Love said.
“We want WA voters to know exactly what they’ll get from The Nationals in Government. For many in
the metropolitan region, it will be their first ever opportunity to support us, so we’re being clear about
our plan for a better WA.”