Local MP Peter Rundle MLA is urging residents across the region to voice their concerns about the cost of intrastate air travel at Parliamentary hearings in regional locations later this month.
Mr Rundle encouraged Roe residents to take the opportunity to appear before the Economics and Industry Standing Committee’s enquiry into regular public transport air routes at the Shire of Esperance Administration Building on 30 August 2017 to ensure their views are heard.
“Regional communities all share a common need for connectivity through accessible, reliable, affordable and quality airline services,” Mr Rundle said.
“At present, the unaffordable nature of air travel and obstacles surrounding connectivity prevent the regions from realising their full economic and social potential.
“I encourage the people of Esperance to be part of the conversation to ensure any outcomes reflect the unique needs and priorities of the community.”
The Nationals’ spokesperson for transport Vince Catania MLA said the party had a strong history of advocating for more affordable, reliable and regular air services in regional WA.
“The Nationals WA unequivocally support the need for this inquiry,” Mr Catania said.
“In the lead up to the 2017 State Election, our party also called for a review, arguing that it was necessary for the State Government to ensure lower air fares and better inter-regional connectivity for residents, tourists and business travellers.”
Mr Catania said intrastate air travel was an extremely important service for regional West Australians and was similar to catching the bus or train in Perth.
“Given the vastness of our State, regional aviation is often the only practical long distance travel solution for many families and businesses,” Mr Catania said.
“Airline transport services underpin the viability of the private sector in our regions and are essential to the social wellbeing of communities.
“At the moment air travel is completely unaffordable and is a major handbrake on growing regional communities across the State.”