The Nationals in Government will go back to the drawing board on the South Coast Marine Park and undertake
a Special Inquiry into the selection of all new Marine Parks in WA.
Deputy Nationals WA Leader and Member for Roe, Peter Rundle MLA, criticised the Cook Labor Government’s
imposition of the South Coast Marine Park on communities and said more transparency in the selection of WA
Marine Parks is needed.
“The Cook Government’s final zoning plans for the South Coast Marine Park will ban fishing in 20 percent of
the park and limit access for recreational fishers, locals and visitors,” Mr Rundle said.
“To lock up 1,200 kilometres of coastline and ban fishing in 20 per cent of the marine park between Bremer
Bay and the South Australian border is nothing short of a box ticking exercise by the Cook Labor Government
to meet an election promise.”
Mr Rundle also noted the disparity in the Cook Government’s approach to the South Coast Marine Park
compared to the proposed Marmion Marine Park, which remains stalled.
“The Cook Labor Government is delaying announcing the Marmion Marine Park to avoid backlash from voters
in metropolitan areas ahead of the 2025 State Election.
The South Coast Marine Park is equivalent to locking up the entire coast from Margaret River to Shark Bay.
Decisions like this should be based on science and consultation, not politics.” Mr Rundle said.
A 5,860 strong petition was read into the WA parliament in 2024 calling for the South Coast Marine Park to be
halted, and instead for a parliamentary inquiry to commence.
“The Nationals in Government will go back to the drawing board on the South Coast Marine Park, prioritising
consultation with locals, requesting scientific evidence of impacted zones be released, and calling for reduced
sanctuary zones that do not put commercial fishers out of business.
If that balance cannot be met, The Nationals WA will scrap the South Coast Marine Park and focus on
protecting coastal areas in WA that are genuinely under threat from over-fishing and high human impact,
backed up by strong scientific evidence.” Mr Rundle said.
“A Special Inquiry into the selection and implementation of Marine Parks in WA will reveal whether the Cook
Labor Government adhered to statutory requirements, the extent of influence wielded by external lobby groups
on the planning process and the scientific and socio-economic data and research.”
“Along with Esperance, Hopetoun, Bremer Bay and South Coast residents, I want a marine environment the
community, the people and our fishers can enjoy now and share with future generations,” Mr Rundle said.
“Any Marine Park selected under The Nationals WA government will be based on current scientific evidence
alongside balanced community, business and industry consultation.”