Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA has welcomed the official launch of the Ageing in the Bush Report.
Mr Waldron said the report, launched by Minister for Regional Development Terry Redman last week, was changing the delivery of aged care throughout regional Western Australia.
He said regional WA was home to a higher number of older residents when compared to a general population profile of the State as a whole.
“There will continue to be a higher need for aged care services in the Wagin electorate and other regional areas throughout Western Australia. This need will continue to increase in country WA,” he said.
“The State Government understands the importance of older residents remaining in regional WA and it is important we provide opportunities to allow them to stay in their own communities.
“Staying connected with the community is a real concern for seniors, especially in regional areas. That is where their family, friends and support network are.”
The report identifies a series of innovative aged care solutions based on four key principles and has already guided more than $70 million of investment in aged care, through the State Government’s Royalties for Regions (RfR) program.
A number of local Growing our South – Ageing in the Bush projects have been funded recently through RfR–
$5.137 million Narrogin Cottage Homes, Karinya – to contribute to the construction of a 14-bed dementia specific wing.
$5.023 million for the 4WDL Well Aged Housing Project – RfR contributed to the construction of 14 dedicated independent living units (ILUs) across seven local government areas in the Wheatbelt South and the Great Southern (Dumbleyung, Wagin, Lake Grace, Williams, West Arthur, Woodanilling, Kent).
$1.242 million for Plantagenet Village Homes Collet Barker Court (Stage 3) – The overall project aimed to expand the number of ILUs in Mt Barker for seniors’ accommodation through the construction of 21 high quality units for independent living at Collet Barker Court. RfR has contributed to the construction of four of the seven units, within Stage 3.
Mr Waldron said: “Seniors have contributed greatly to our communities over many years and this report identifies ways the government, communities and aged care sector can work together to enable older residents living in regional WA to better access the care they require.”
Nationals WA candidate for Roe Peter Rundle said addressing requirements for aged care services presented opportunities for economic and jobs growth locally and across regional WA. Mr Rundle said the Regional Development Council led the development of the report.
To view the report, visit
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810, E: