Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hon Mia Davies MLA officially ‘turned on the lights’ at Wonthella Oval yesterday. The 500 lux flood lighting project totalled $1.5million and allows the oval to host elite sporting events as well as concerts and other large-scale events.
Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hon Mia Davies MLA and Nationals WA MP and candidate for the seat of Geraldton, Paul Brown representing the Minister for Regional Development, Hon Terry Redman MLA were at Wonthella Oval to officially turn on the lights and acknowledge the efforts of the community in bringing this project together.
“The Wonthella Lights project is the culmination of significant planning over many years by the Wonthella Lights Committee and as such, the members of this Committee should be congratulated on their hard work to secure this project which was a high priority project in the Mid West Development Commission (MWDC) Mid West Investment Plan (MWIP).” Mr Brown said.
The lights were funded by the Royalties for Regions MWIP with contributions from the Department of Sport and Recreation’s Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Funding (CSRFF), the City of Greater Geraldton through the Country Local Government Fund, and the AFL.
Mr Brown said, “the lights allow Wonthella Oval to become the premier location for not only elite level sporting events but also high caliber community events such as the hugely successful Triple J One Night Stand held earlier in the year, which benefit the entire community of Geraldton and the Mid West.”
Photo Caption: L-R: Paul Brown MP, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hon Mia Davies MLA and Fred Block, Nationals WA Candidate for the Agricultural Region