The Nationals WA have launched a petition in response to Gingin residents’ concerns over future water supplies and declining bore levels in the area.
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA said Lennard Brook residents were worried that water extracted for the beverage industry was impacting local water availability for horticulture, agriculture and residential use in the Gingin area.
“A recent ABC report saw the spotlight directed at water extraction for the beverage industry in Karragullen and the Perth Hills, an unproclaimed groundwater area where there is no need for a water licence,” Mr Love said.
“This being the case, there will be mounting pressure on other areas and the Gingin community are justifiably concerned.
“The petition highlights the impacts of water transport vehicles, operating throughout the day and night in the Gingin area and the declining water resource for other land-based industries and residents in the Gingin area.”
Mr Love said Gingin is a proclaimed groundwater area and water is extracted according to water licences.
“But local residents are witnessing tankers taking water from the area, day and night and they are calling on the government to investigate water use by licence holders,”
he added.
“It is time the government took the concerns of Gingin businesses and residents seriously.”
Hard copies of the petition are available through for signing at the Gingin Community Resource Centre, 1a Lily King Place, Gingin.
Once tabled in parliament the petition will be referred to the Environment and Public Affairs Committee for consideration and report.