At last weekends State Council meeting the assembled delegates of The Nationals WA unanimously endorsed Paul Brown MP to contest the seat of Geraldton at the 2017 state election.
Mr Brown said, “I am extremely humbled by my party’s overwhelming endorsement this weekend, and I am now looking forward to gaining the support of the Geraldton community to ensure that we have a strong voice in the WA Parliament.”
Mr Brown has chosen to shift from what many consider to be a safe spot in the Upper House, to represent the people of Geraldton in the Lower House in a move that many would consider to be a risky move.
“It has been suggested to myself and others that I am risking my political future by running for the seat of Geraldton. I think that the greater risk is that Geraldton is not represented by a member of the Nationals WA, who will sit at a decision making table that is focused solely on increasing investment and diversification in regional WA.”
“The major city-based political parties are dominated by metro focused policies that ensure the growth of the metro area rather than recognising the overwhelming contribution that our community makes to the states economy, “ Mr Brown said.
“I am not just asking that the people of Geraldton consider the benefit to our community by voting for a Nationals WA member to represent them, but I am also asking the people of Geraldton to ensure that the Royalties for Regions program is protected so that all of regional WA can continue to grow and build the diversified economy that our state needs.”
For media enquiries contact Paul Brown MP –