Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman is frustrated with the removal of the on-line Royalties for Regions investment map and is critical of the McGowan Labor Party for their lack of transparency regarding regional investment.
The interactive map – previously located at was launched by The Nationals while in government as a way of providing transparent and readily accessible data about Royalties for Regions.
“This map was an easy way for people to see the Royalties for Regions investment in their town and to be updated on the progress of larger projects,” Mr Redman said.
Mr Redman said despite the Premier’s claim his government would employ ‘gold standard transparency’, Labor was obviously trying to hide the extent of their cuts to regional funding.
“I understand the new government would not want a map that clearly identifies the large number of Royalties for Regions projects initiated through the previous government. The comparison to their pitiful regional investment would be embarrassing,” Mr Redman said.
‘With $861 million cut from Royalties for Regions in just seven months in government, Labor cannot be proud of their attention to regional WA.”
‘I am very disappointed that the removal of such an informative map leaves people without regularly updated information. This does not bode well for a government that espouses to be accountable and transparent,” Mr Redman said.