Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC has welcomed the launch of two new River Rangers units in the Kimberley.
It was announced last week that the State Government program would be extended to include Warlawurru Catholic School in Halls Creek and John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School in Mulan, bringing the total number of primary school students taking part each year to more than 700.
Mr Grills said the expansion of the program into the Kimberley would provide students with useful skills and benefit local communities.
“The program allows students to take part in river-based activities, including tree planting, clearing litter, bird and bat box building, biodiversity surveys and water quality testing,” he said.
“This important work contributes to the health of our natural environment and I am glad that Kimberley students will have an opportunity to be involved.
“It is vital that we engage with young people, especially in remote Aboriginal communities, and empower them to make long-term positive change to their local communities.”
River Rangers is part of the State Government’s Cadets WA program, which receives $3.6 million in funding annually. The program is funded through the Department of Local Government and Communities and co-ordinated by the Department of Parks and Wildlife.
River Rangers started in 2011 with five primary schools taking part in a pilot program in the Swan-Canning catchment area.
The addition of the two Kimberley-based units brings the total number of units in Western Australian primary schools to 17.