The Nationals WA have today reaffirmed their commitment to ensure regional residents are adequately and effectively represented in the State Parliament.
Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said any calls to reduce the number of Members of Parliament was simplistic and did not take into account the unique geographical challenges faced in WA.
“I am proud to be part of The Nationals’ team of passionate local champions who are taking up the fight on behalf of regional WA,” Mr Grills said.
“Regional representation is vital for country people, who often approach their local MP for information and assistance on a diverse range of matters unique to the bush.
“As the only party solely dedicated to representing regional WA, The Nationals WA understand the importance of ensuring country people have a seat at the decision-making table in Perth.”
Mr Grills said any reduction in the number of MPs would result in increased representation in the metropolitan area at the expense of the regions.
“Regional electoral districts are already expanding as electoral boundaries change and no amount of technology or travel options can compensate for this growth,” he said.
“The Mining and Pastoral Region electorate currently spans 2,283,470 square kilometres and contains many different remote communities, each with their own challenges, priorities and opportunities.
“My Nationals WA colleagues and I understand the importance of regularly travelling throughout our vast electorates, despite these distances, and people really appreciate the opportunity to regularly engage with their local MP face-to-face in their home town.
“Without that level of local engagement, it is difficult to see how regional communities will receive adequate representation.
“Their needs and interests will be overlooked in State Parliament.”
For media enquiries contact Dave Grills MLC on (08) 90711 500 or email