The Nationals WA have unveiled a $276 million Safer Local Roads program designed to address the rising road toll across regional Western Australia.
Leader Shane Love MLA announced the election commitment at the WA Local Government Association (WALGA) conference today, emphasising that road safety must be a top priority for any
“WA is facing a devastating crisis on its roads, with 139 lives lost this year already – each one representing a family and community forever impacted,” Mr Love said.
“This is why The Nationals WA will invest $276 million to establish the Safer Local Roads program, delivering targeted and effective road safety improvements to more than 8,200 kilometres of high-speed local government roads.”
Mr Love acknowledged while bipartisan support has been in place for the Regional Road Safety Program, which focuses on national and state highways, local roads have been overlooked.
“From 2017 to 2021, half of all fatal or serious injury crashes on regional roads occurred on local government roads, amounting to 1,700 serious accidents.
“Yet the Cook Labor Government has only committed a mere $20 million over four years – far below what is needed.”
WALGA and the RAC have called for a $552 million program, jointly funded by the State and Federal Governments, to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on local government roads.
“The Nationals in Government will put forward the $276 million State share of funding in our first Budget, sending a strong message to the Federal Government this program is critical,” Mr Love said.
Shadow Minister for Road Safety, Martin Aldridge MLC, said the Safer Local Roads program will deliver significant results in reducing fatalities and serious injuries.
“Simple, low-cost treatments like sealing road shoulders and installing audible tactile lines can reduce the frequency of run-off crashes, with modelling showing this program could reduce fatalities by up to 50 per cent and serious injuries by 35 per cent,” Mr Aldridge said.
“This program will cover over 3,300 kilometres of lane widening, 4,300 kilometres of sealed shoulders, and 4,100 kilometres of audio tactile line marking on high-speed local roads.”
Mr Aldridge said funding for the program could be drawn from the Insurance Commission of WA (ICWA) dividends and consolidated revenue.
“Over the next four years, ICWA will return over $217 million to Treasury which The Nationals will quarantine to be reinvested into road safety,” Mr Aldridge said.
“As WA’s compulsory third-party insurer, it is in ICWA’s best interests to reduce road trauma, not just to save lives, but also to reduce their own exposure to motor vehicle injury claims.”
Federal candidate for Bullwinkel, Mia Davies, said the Safer Local Roads program was an important initiative to address WA’s tragic road toll.
“We are on track for one of the worst years of road trauma in WA’s history – something needs to change.” Ms Davies said.
“There’s no single solution to the problem but investing in safer local roads is a practical step with proven results.
“I’ll be working hard in Canberra to make sure we are doing all we can to address road trauma.”
In addition to the Safer Local Roads program, The Nationals WA have also committed $45 million to establish a Mid West Emergency Rescue Helicopter, based out of Geraldton, to provide rapid response to road trauma incidents in the region.
“Our commitment to road safety extends beyond just fixing roads,” Mr Love said.
“The Mid West Rescue Helicopter will save lives by providing quick access to trauma care for those in remote areas, where response times are critical.”