A new brand promoting Western Australian produce to overseas export markets will soon help put the State’s agrifood businesses on the world map.
Western Australia Worth Sharing is an $8.1 million, three-year funding program, made possible by Royalties for Regions through the $350 million Seizing the Opportunity Agriculture initiative.
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA welcomed the recent launch of the campaign, which will highlight WA’s premium agrifood produce, grown in clean, fresh air, under blue skies and abundant sunshine.
“The brand will promote the State’s modern agriculture and production methods and high food safety standards, which are greatly valued in international markets,” Mr Waldron said.
“The brand centres on the idea of sharing, and WA companies and their individual stories are at the heart of the campaign.
“Companies already involved in the brand range from WA’s most successful agricultural exporters to smaller, family-run businesses.”
Mr Waldron said he was pleased companies and agriculturalists throughout the Wagin electorate would be eligible to participate in the marketing campaign.
“I encourage locals to investigate the Western Australia Worth Sharing program further and discover how it could assist them to break into potential overseas markets,” he said.
Western Australia Worth Sharing features a distinctive logo of WA, and a website where people from overseas can learn about and connect with companies exporting our State’s produce.
Nationals WA candidate for Roe Peter Rundle said companies that agreed to be export partners would be able to licence use of the brand from the State Government free of charge, and incorporate it into their international marketing plans.
“This is a fantastic initiative, which will put an international spotlight on the strengths of our State’s agricultural production,” Mr Rundle said.
“Having been a farmer in the Great Southern Region for a number of years, I am well aware of the need for diversification, implementing new technologies and expanding into new markets to increase farm productivity and profitability.
“Western Australia Worth Sharing is just another great example of the important work being done to advance the State’s agricultural industry through Royalties for Regions.”
Businesses already involved with the new brand include companies from Shark Bay, Manjimup, Esperance, Harvey and Moora.
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email terry.waldron@mp.wa.gov.au or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810 or E: peter.rundle@nationalswa.com