Local Nationals Member for Central Wheatbelt, Mia Davies joined colleagues key stakeholders from the sheep export supply chain in Parliament to place pressure on the Labor State Government to stand up against eastern state plans to to shut down the trade.
Ms Davies said the people, businesses, and communities that rely on the live sheep export industry deserve more than hollow words of support from the Premier.
“We demand action and advocacy by this all-powerful Labor Government, instead we get weasel words and confusion,” Ms Davies said.
“We were joined by people that are invested in the future of the industry and our State’s economy, who have built businesses, employed people and have a passion for feeding and clothing people across the world.
“They are people that have the highest regard for animal welfare. They are people that have been thrown under the bus by the Albanese Labor Government, and left to fight without the support of their own State Government.”
A motion was moved by the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Peter Rundle MLA, that read “That this House calls on the Premier to stand up for West Australians and outline his plan to defend the live sheep export trade against the Albanese Government’s ideological attack, which is already crippling regional communities and businesses reliant upon this $130 million industry.
Every Member of the Labor Party, including the new Premier voted against the motion.
Ms Davies said in debate, “I have seen Labor fight for what it believes in. They mobilise, organise, engage and fundraise. I see none of that; all I hear are empty words.”
“The Premier has a responsibility to care and connect with every Western Australian, especially when they are under attack.”
Ms Davies said she was proud to represent the hundreds, if not thousands, of people involved in the industry.
“I am a product of a farming family on both my mother and father’s side of the family,” Ms Davies told the Parliament.
“This industry has fed, educated, supported and sustained my family and communities, and is the cornerstone that many of our regional towns and institutions have been built on.
“It is devastating to see a legitimate industry that provides food security for our valued trading partners, plays a key role in improving animal welfare outcomes on an international scale, and underpins the future of so many businesses and communities in our State has had the rug ripped from underneath it.”
Minister for Agriculture was also put to the test, with questions from Shadow Minister for Agriculture Colin de Grussa, and Members for the Agricultural Region Hon Martin Aldridge and Hon Steve Martin.
“It was revealed that the Government is undertaking an economic impact assessment that has not been completed and is not yet public,” Ms Davies said.
“It’s a disgrace that both State and Federal Labor Governments make ideologically driven decisions that impact regional industries, and then scramble to figure out what the impact will be on our state and national economy.”