McGowan and Labor want to silence another regional voice.

Western Australia’s 2023 Electoral Boundary Review is underway. This process will determine the boundaries of Legislative Assembly electorates for the 2025 State Election. These suggestions have been published online and we encourage you to analyse the many proposals for boundary changes.

You will find The Nationals WA submission makes a strong case to retain the status quo of sixteen regional electorates. Given the Labor State Government’s changes to the Legislative Council – which removes eighteen dedicated regional upper house seats – it is imperative regional West Australians do not experience further stripping of democratic representation.

Conversely, the Labor Party’s submission proposes the abolition of North West Central in favour of further centralising power in the metropolitan area. Adoption of their model would be damaging for regional communities and for the state as a whole.

You can help us stand up for regional WA by submitting your own response condemning the Labor Party suggestion.

Making your submission

All submissions should include:

  • The name and address and email contact point for the person making the submission.
  • If the submission is on behalf of an organisation, the name of the organisation should be stated.

A submission must be written. There is no limit to how long or short a submission can be. It can include diagrams, maps or other illustrations. There is no template for submissions.

You must submit your written submission before the closing time on the specified day.

You can:

  • Email your submission to
  • Deliver your submission to Level 2, 111 St Georges Terrace, Perth
  • Post it to GPO Box F316 PERTH  WA  6841