Transport Minister, Rita Saffioti must use the state’s $4 billion surplus to fund a spur groyne for Jurien Bay’s Marina according to Shadow Transport Minister and Member for Moore, Shane Love.
“In the past two and a half years, the Minister has consistently claimed the Federal government must contribute funds, despite the fact that Jurien Bay’s marina is a state-owned asset,” Mr Love said.
Responding to questions in Budget Estimates last week Mr Love said the Transport Minister had admitted the Federal government was under ‘enormous budget pressure’.. and is ‘not really open to new projects at this stage’.
“There is no time for any further excuses – the Minister has to fund this project immediately and put a stop to further fish kills,” Mr Love said.
“Jurien Bay’s reputation is being hampered by reoccurring fish kills with weed being trapped in the marina area producing anoxic conditions for fish.
“This environmental disaster has to end.”
In 2020, following extensive data collection and modelling, the Department of Transport announced an engineering design encompassing a 150 metre extension to the marina’s northern entrance breakwater.
At the time, the project was costed at $7.8 million, with construction works expected to take four to six months.
“Three years of Labor inaction has seen the expected cost of the work balloon – the most recent costing I understand for the Jurien Bay Marina groyne was $13.5 million,” Mr Love said.
“In estimates hearings last week, the Transport Minister said dredging was ongoing, there were plans for the groyne, a proposal in place but no funding.
“Residents and visitors to Jurien Bay have had enough of the smell of rotting weed and fish.
“I call on the Minister to source funds so work can commence on the spur groyne as recommended more than two years ago.