The Nationals WA will continue their commitment to investing in the wellbeing of regional West Australians by establishing a State Rural Health Commissioner if the Party is returned to government in 2021.
In announcing the policy at The Nationals WA State Conference in Exmouth, Leader Mia Davies said a sharp focus on regional health was required if the standard of services in rural areas was to improve.
If returned to government in 2021 The Nationals WA will –
- Establish the State’s first Rural Health Commissioner.
- The Commissioner will be an impartial and independent champion for regional health, the position legislated by the State Parliament and required to report directly to the State Parliament.
- The Commissioner’s role will include:
- Transparent reporting of service availability
- Examination of health legislation, administration and management to ensure equity of service provision for regional patients.
- Enabling population and public health policy development.
- Working with their federal counterpart to ensure nationwide programs acknowledge local contexts.
The model will be based on the Commissioner for Children and Young people WA, which has been successfully operating since 2007.