Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman calls on the McGowan Government to develop targeted South West tourism strategies in response to the region listed as the top tourism destination in the Lonely Planet ‘Best in Asia Pacific 2019’.
Mr Redman said, “It is very encouraging to see the diverse natural environment, wineries, breweries and restaurants of the South West highlighted in the Lonely Planet’s list, however more needs to be done to promote all the amazing attributes this region has to offer.”
“A tourism strategy outlining unique experiences from Margaret River to Albany will encourage more people to spend time in the region, to discover places of interest, enjoy food and wine experiences and engage in cultural events,” Mr Redman said.
“A Margaret River to Albany book-ended approach will give visitors a well-researched plan providing a choice of activities suitable for all ages and interests.
“The McGowan Government Minister for Tourism has been strongly focussed on events around Perth, quokka selfies on Rottnest, activities in the Swan Valley and the allure of Broome. I hope this prestigious accolade from Lonely Planet wakes him up to the fact that an equal focus needs to be put on driving visitation to the South West and Great Southern,” Mr Redman said.
“I congratulate the numerous small businesses in the region who provide visitor experiences, and encourage the McGowan Government to support the viability of the tourism industry. Tourism is a major economic driver for the Warren-Blackwood, and visitor numbers and length of stay significantly affects the whole region.”
“The McGowan Government has a responsibility to help unlock the tourism potential of the south west region, and one way they can do that is to remove barriers to growth. Unreliable power supply to towns reliant on tourists is unacceptable and urgently needs addressing.
“Events such as the Margaret River Gourmet Escape, Taste Great Southern, CineFest Oz and a range of music festivals draw visitors to the region for an experience. It is vital the State Government continues to support these events, through Royalties for Regions funding programs, to provide certainty so tourism experiences can flourish,” Mr Redman said.