Delivery of essential services, information and activities to regional and remote communities will continue thanks to a $56 million State Government Royalties for Regions investment in the Western Australian Community Resource Network (WACRN).
Consisting of 106 Community Resource Centres (CRCs), the WACRN provides a physical community hub for the delivery of government services and information as well as community development activities to approximately 50,000 people in regional and remote areas of the State, each month.
Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said the availability of services through CRCs had a significant impact for those in the regions.
“This State Government investment will see the ongoing stability and security of these important community services,” Mr Grills said.
“This funding will assist the many CRCs in the Mining and Pastoral Region, including those at Broome, Kununurra, Ravensthorpe and Hopetoun.”
CRCs have been operating since 1991, originally as Telecentres, and today act as shop fronts for many government services such as driver and licensing services for the Department of Transport, the Australian Taxation Office, Centrelink and Medicare.
The State’s CRCs employ up to 450 people, and more than 1700 people are engaged in voluntary roles assisting in the management and day-to-day operations.
“Through this significant Royalties for Regions investment, operation and expansion of these community hubs will continue and locals will still be able to access essential government services close to home.”
CRCs also deliver essential services and information to regional and remote communities with average populations of just under 1000 people, including 10 in remote Aboriginal communities, such as at Yakanarra, near Fitzroy Crossing, in the Kimberley.
Since 2009, Royalties for Regions has invested more than $90 million to support the development and expansion of the WACRN network.