Hon Colin de Grussa MLC and Peter Rundle MLA welcomed a fresh face to the office in recent weeks, by hosting Campbell McKenzie, a student from the Esperance Anglican Community School as part of their Big Picture Education programme.
The Esperance Anglican Community School recently introduced the Big Picture education programme, an innovative method of education that allows students to experience a personalised learning plan, which is based on a child’s own interests and passions.
Campbell McKenzie sought to do his placement within the office of Mr de Grussa, because of his interest in politics.
“It’s interesting how politics actually has so much to do with everyday life,” Campbell said.
“It’s difficult and complicated learning about all the forms of government, as well as how they all work together to keep everything running smoothly, but they’re all very important.”
Mr de Grussa said he was very happy to be able to host Campbell, and was very impressed by his enthusiasm about politics.
“It’s great to see a young person so interested in politics, as I’m sure not too many teenagers would seek a career in politics,” Mr de Grussa said.
“The Big Picture programme is a valuable learning told, and I’m pleased to see EACS engaging with this small town’s businesses in this way.”
For more information on the Big Picture Education programme, visit www.bigpicture.org.au