Young people in the Wagin electorate now have more opportunity to start or further their careers in local government, thanks to Royalties for Regions.
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA welcomed Friday’s announcement that grants of up to $20,000 had been awarded to 12 regional local governments, including to the local shires of Wagin, Wandering and West Arthur, for traineeships.
“Substantial grants have been allocated to these three local shires to support them in the creation of traineeship positions,” Mr Waldron said.
The traineeship grant details include –
Shire of Wagin – $17,000
Shire of Wandering – $16,850
Shire of West Arthur – $16,500
An additional 25 grants of up to $10,000 were awarded to 18 local governments to support scholarships for young employees to undertake nationally accredited training.
Locally, the Shire of Gnowangerup was allocated $2288, the Shire of West Arthur at Darkan was provided with $9855 and the Shire of Wickepin received $3242 for scholarships.
Mr Waldron said it was important local governments had the capacity to deliver, maintain and grow services in regional WA.
“Local governments are a key employer of young people and this program has been designed to assist with the attraction and retention of young people in the regional local government sector,” Mr Waldron said.
“Young people in regional areas have a key role to play and these grants afford them a unique opportunity to further their careers.”
Nationals WA candidate for Roe Peter Rundle said more than $1.2 million in funding through Royalties for Regions was allocated towards the Country Local Government Fund Youth Development Program, in 2015-16.
“As significant employers in many country areas, local governments are well placed to create opportunities for young people in our regions,” Mr Rundle said.
“Not only will this initiative enable participants to gain valuable skills through real life experience, it will enable them to stay in their community of choice through the availability of suitable local job options.”
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810 or E: