Narrogin Cottage Homes will soon benefit from funding of $3.019 million towards the Karinya Well Aged Upgrade and Extension project.
Announced on Thursday, the funding for Karinya will include improved safety and security for residents and purpose built bariatric and palliative care suites.
Karinya is one of 12 organisations throughout regional WA, which have been awarded funding to assist older people to remain independent, involved and contributing members within their communities.
The grants are part of a $13.67 million investment in regional aged care through the $500 million Southern Inland Health Initiative (SIHI), made possible by Royalties for Regions.
The Nationals’ candidate for Roe Peter Rundle said collaboration and investment in age-appropriate health services was fundamental to the ongoing growth of the region.
“Aged care reforms focusing on supporting age-friendly communities and age-appropriate accommodation where people feel supported, safe and secure are transforming the way health and aged care services are delivered in regional WA,” Mr Rundle said.
“This approach benefits the person, their family and friends and the community-at-large that is richer for having older people participating within the community.”
Member for Agricultural Region Martin Aldridge MLC, who represents the Regional Development Minister on the SIHI Governance Committee, said eligible organisations were invited to apply for funding as part of a competitive process.
“The successful applicants were able to demonstrate that they could enhance facilities and services that would help regional residents to remain in their home towns as they aged,” Mr Aldridge said.
“It is essential we allow older people the choice to live closer to their community that they have often contributed so much to.”
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron said: “It’s great to see Royalties for Regions continue to invest in projects that allow ageing community members to stay in their own communities for as long as possible.”
“This is where their family, friends and support networks are and this is where they feel most comfortable living.”
Other successful projects in the electorate were located in Kojonup and Katanning, including more than $1.5 million for the Kojonup Health Precinct, $150,000 for a disability access bus for Katanning and a grant of $11,200 for the upskilling of residential care staff in Katanning and Kojonup.
The following types of projects were awarded one-off grants –
Age-appropriate accommodation including universal and dementia enabling design as part of the development of age-friendly communities.
Upgrades and expansion of current residential facilities.
Building capacity through training in aged care including dementia care.
Innovative approaches to service delivery to rural areas including respite and community home based care and technology to support the elderly in their respective communities.
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For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810 or E: