Member for Geraldton Ian Blayney MLA has congratulated Geraldton based Crothers Construction after they secured yet another manufacturing contract last month after their success during tender processes in May.
Crothers Construction secured a $3.2 million contract to complete works on the Child and Adolescent Health Service’s pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Perth at the start of June, a success that came after an earlier win in relation to the Step-Up Step-down facility in Geraldton.
“The recent success of Crothers Construction highlights their conscientiousness within the construction industry and their resilience throughout these difficult times,” Mr Blayney said.
“With seven other submissions competing for the contract for works on the health facility in Perth, it’s fantastic to see a local Geraldton based company come out on top.
“It’s always vital that local businesses are supported, but it is even more important to ensure this happens during our recovery and navigation through covid-19.
“It is pleasing they won the $3.6 million contract to refurbish buildings for the Geraldton Step-up Step-down facility in May, and it’s even more pleasing to see their success continuing – I wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Mr Blayney said it’s refreshing to see the WA State Government adhering to their buy local policy in relation to the Geraldton Hospital refurbishment after having previously overlooked local contractors to work on key parts of the hospital redevelopment in the last year.
“I’m glad Labor have finally started to support businesses in Geraldton but it’s disappointing that the wait was so long and drawn out,” he said.
“WA Labor still have a long way to go in order to rebuild trust within the Geraldton business community – a community who have continuously been let down by a Government that seem to put them at the back of the line.
“It’s fantastic to see local businesses recognised, and I hope this continues beyond the covid-19 road to recovery, ensuring all Geraldton based businesses are considered for local projects in the future.”