Member for Moore Shane Love MLA has welcomed news that $7 million has been committed for the upgrade of Indian Ocean Drive (IOD).
“Indian Ocean Drive has an appalling safety record and any efforts to alleviate the tragedy regularly taking place on this road is great news,” Mr Love said.
“As I understand the funding will provide for two northbound and two southbound overtaking lanes between the Ledge Point and Seabird turn-offs, some audible strips on the edge and centre of the road and message boards.”
Mr Love said the Road Safety Audit of IOD currently underway, which he believed covered the length of the road, was considering engineering, driver behaviour and road use.
“In my ongoing consultations with the local residents who travel IOD, it seems education and driver behaviour are two issues that definitely need addressing,” he said.
“The added WA Police presence on the road is appreciated but it is extremely disappointing that some road users continue with no regard for speed limits in place.
“It is at times an extremely busy road with a mix of holiday traffic involving boats and caravans.
“There needs to be more overtaking options available.”
Mr Love said recent meetings with community groups in the Gingin Shire had called for a physical barrier in sections that will keep traffic flowing in opposite directions apart.
“I would think this is most relevant to the older sections of IOD, particularly where the road is winding,” he added.