Communities across the Mining and Pastoral Region are set to benefit from a new $16 million Western Australian Regional Film Fund, designed to drive production investment and job creation in regional Western Australia.
Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said the innovative initiative, made possible through funding from Royalties for Regions, aimed to give WA the edge in a highly competitive international industry.
“This is about putting regional WA top of the list for producing Australian and international feature films, television series and documentaries,” Mr Grills said.
“There are significant potential benefits for communities in places like the Kimberley and Goldfields-Esperance regions, which boast some spectacular and unique scenery.
“This Royalties for Regions-supported initiative will promote our evocative locations, talent and expertise across the world.
“I’m confident the fund will quickly resonate both nationally and internationally, and drive production in regional WA to new heights.”
Mr Grills said funding from Royalties for Regions and ScreenWest had already chalked up significant achievements, with the highly anticipated feature films Jasper Jones (shot in the South West), Red Dog:True Blue (Pilbara) and Breath (Great Southern) due for release over the next 12 months.
“The new fund will consolidate and build on these successes,” Mr Grills said.
“For instance, the current production of Breath in the Denmark area has generated more than 250 jobs and boosted business in the local community.
“There is no doubt this fund will help support regional economies and contribute to their vibrancy.”
Jobs are expected to flow from local purchasing, the development of a skilled workforce to support film and television production and tourism.
ScreenWest will manage the Fund on behalf of the Department of Regional Development for the benefit of regional communities.
For media enquiries contact Dave Grills MLC on (08) 9071 500 or email