School P&Cs will receive dollar-for-dollar assistance to help meet their fundraising goals under The Nationals’ $158.4 million Regional Education plan.
Member for Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA said P&Cs were a vital part of the school community and often overlooked in education policy development.
“As well as investing $100 million of Royalties for Regions into regional education development and $50 million to improve broadband and access to technology in our schools, we have committed $8.4 million to help P&Cs fundraise for important school events and projects,” Ms Davies said.
“P&Cs manage school-based services like canteens, uniform shops and out-of-school care. Without parental involvement many of these schools would be left without vital support.”
If re-elected on March 11, The Nationals WA plan to offer dollar-for-dollar assistance grants for fundraising activities.
The grant will be capped at $5000 per school per year and will be delivered solely to regional Parents and Citizens organisations.
Ms Davies said The Nationals understood the important role access to quality and affordable education played in keeping regional families and children in their communities.
“There are several key aspects of the education system we need to improve if we want our regional kids to have the best outcomes and opportunities available,” she said.
“We’ve identified several areas of investment to maximise the quality of education over the next five years and up-skill the teacher workforce in line with evolving information communication technology.”
Ms Davies said $50 million of Royalties for Regions would accelerate ICT infrastructure installation and professional support through training and incentivising regional employment.
To find out more about The Nationals’ Regional Education Plan visit
For media enquiries please contact Mia Davies on 9622 2871 (Northam office) or 9041 1702 (Merredin office) or email
Mia Davies MLA attending a WA Council of State School Organisations Inc. (WACSSO) event last week, with Hon Peter Collier MLC.