Local MPs Mia Davies MLA and Martin Aldridge MLC have welcomed the announcement that Pingelly and Cunderdin have embraced a new model of care for older people.
The innovative project, which will receive $4.75million from the Royalties for Regions-funded Southern Inland Health Initiative, will see new accommodation built to provide appropriate care for older people.
Ms Davies outlined the importance of older people to regional communities, saying the new buildings come as a relief to older people concerned about their future close to family.
“Without new and adequate facilities, older people in regional WA might be forced to leave for larger regional centres or Perth, where they can access care.“Older people contribute significantly to regional communities, and we need a means to keep them in their towns,” Ms Davies said.
“We want to remove this stress by ensuring people don’t have to make that tough decision.”
Mr Aldridge said the projects would revolutionise the way aged care is delivered in the Wheatbelt by building new facilities to cope with the increasing number of people requiring appropriate care.
“In the next ten years, we expect the number of people aged 70 or over in regional WA will reach 100,000,” Mr Aldridge said.
“The Wheatbelt should be providing outstanding aged care to locals and those older people interested in moving for a more relaxed lifestyle.
“Cunderdin and Pingelly are set to be leaders in the development of this new aged care model, and will be used as a launching pad to capitalise on a growing aged care sector.”
The new accommodation will be built, owned and operated by the local Shires, located in close proximity to the new health care centres and are due to be completed by the end of 2017.
A key aspect of this new accommodation will be to provide ease of access for people with mobility issues, including visual cues and reminders to reduce confusion for people with dementia.
The projects are funded through the half-billion dollar Southern Inland Health Initiative, funded through Royalties for Regions.
Media Enquiries: Mia Davies MLA on (08) 9041 1702 or mia.davies@mp.wa.gov.au
Martin Aldridge MLC on (08) 9324 3155 or martin.aldridge@mp.wa.gov.au