Member for Geraldton Ian Blayney MLA is calling for the business case for the preferred Dongara-Geraldton bypass route to be publicised given the community angst regarding the project and the lack of consultation provided to the community by this uncaring Labor Government.
Mr Blayney asked for the business case to be tabled in Parliament last week after meeting with landholders in Walkaway who will be affected by the proposed route as well as asking the Minister to commit to meeting with the community.
“Having met with several Walkaway residents last Thursday, it is clear they have not been given much information in relation to how the preferred route was selected, and they just want to be given the opportunity to discuss this directly with the Minister,” Mr Blayney said.
“Many of the affected landholders found out that a road was going to split their property in two through a post on social media, which is completely unacceptable and didn’t allow for meaningful community consultation.
“Now that the consultation period has been extended, it’s vital the community are provided with the rationale behind the Minister’s decision so they can provide informed viable alternative routes.
With the Minister for Transport unable to provide an answer in relation to the business case for the bypass, Mr Blayney has slammed the Labor Government for their clear disregard for the Walkaway community.
“It seems unlikely the Minister has a business case for the route given her avoidance of the question and the lack of publicly available information regarding the selection of Option 1 as the preferred route,” Mr Blayney said.
“Not only is this completely absurd given the Alignment Selection Study was proposed over 5 years ago, but also shows how the Labor Government have continuously ignored the views of constituents in the Midwest over the last four years.
“If there is no business case, the community deserve to be aware of this and deserve to be provided with the information Main Roads used to select the preferred route, which will assist constituents who are working hard to suggest alternative routes.
“I will continue to pressure the Government to provide more details in relation to decisions regarding the route so that I can continue to work with the community to propose feasible alternatives.