Eleven new weather stations have been installed across the State, including three new stations in the Wagin electorate providing more accurate information ahead of grain season, thanks to Royalties for Regions (RfR).
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA said the 11 new stations would complement the State’s existing 145 weather station network.
“These new weather stations will provide real-time information including rainfall, temperature, humidity, evaporation rates, and wind speed and direction,” Mr Waldron said.
“Local stations provide grain growers with valuable, localised information, helping them to understand the weather in their region and help their crops reach their maximum potential.”
Soil moisture probes will also be installed in coming months to complement the weather stations, as part of the $10 million eConnected Grainbelt Project funded by RfR.
Mr Waldron said the installations would be located on eDemonstation sites hosted by local grower groups, which would provide feedback to the project on how weather data could be better applied to help growers to deliver more productive and profitable crops.
“These eDemonstration sites provide a unique opportunity for growers, consultants and industry to get together and learn about, compare and contrast all of the decision support tools, systems and technologies available for on-farm decision making.”
The eDemonstation sites in Wagin include:
- Facey Group, Wickepin
- Sourthern DIRT, Kojonup and West Arthur Trials Group, Darkan
- Stirlings to Coast Farmers, Mount Barker and Gillamii Centre, Cranbrook
Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the eConnected Grainbelt project would enable the agricultural sector to meet growing demand and strengthen regional communities where agriculture was a major economic activity.
“The project is connecting growers to the information they need to make appropriate decisions that are tailored for their paddocks, their business, and the variable conditions they face each season,” Mr Redman said.
The weather data is available on the Department of Agriculture and Food WA’s website online at www.agric.wa.gov.au or through the department’s Weather app.
The $10 million eConnected Grainbelt project is part of the $300 million Royalties for Regions funded Seizing the Opportunity Agriculture Initiative.
For media enquiries please contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email terry.waldron@mp.wa.gov.au