The Nationals WA are an independent political party focused on delivering the best possible outcome for regional West Australians.
As alliance partners in Government for the last 8 years, The Nationals WA have always acted in the best interests of our constituents, even if this meant taking a different position to the Liberal Party. While we have had our differences with the Liberal Party, we have delivered strong and stable Government for the people of WA throughout this time.
The Nationals WA did seek a direct preference deal with our partners in Government in an effort to ensure we could continue to build on our strong record of achievement. However, the Liberal Party has resolved not to preference The Nationals WA despite comments from Premier Colin Barnett which stated otherwise.
Elections are not won on preferences, but on primary votes and The Nationals WA have a strong policy platform that has garnered significant support from individuals, businesses and communities from all corners of our State.
While some political parties believe they own or influence preferences – we believe this shows great disrespect to voters. The people of Western Australia will always vote with their hearts and minds, and won’t be told how to vote by a piece of paper resulting from a backroom deal.
The Nationals WA have always prioritised people over politics and our team is working hard to address the issues, concerns and priorities of the West Australian community. Other parties that have focused on preference deals will be judged harshly on polling day.
The Nationals WA remain focused on representing the regions, defending our flagship Royalties for Regions policy and delivering a new revenue source to get the State back on track.
Hon Brendon Grylls MLA
Leader of The Nationals WA