Volunteers – the lifeblood of our communities.
Speaking to many volunteers around the Warren-Blackwood, I often hear them say, “I get out of it more than I put in”. This is such a humble response to the many hours they so generously contribute to our communities.
Friendship, connection, feeling useful and being valued – are all aspects of volunteering. It is what motivates people to volunteer in the first place.
People who volunteer see a need, or have a particular skill, or have an interest that sees them getting involved and then volunteering.
Special friendships grow amongst volunteers – people with similar interests, children of the same age, or people who have a passion for their community.
Whilst it is true that there are many benefits to volunteering – including apparently living longer and happier lives – our communities undoubtedly benefit from the many contributions of volunteers.
I particularly thank those volunteers who attend emergency situations. These situations are not fun – but your contributions are vital to our safety and wellbeing.
We would not have children’s sports, scouts, soup kitchens, CWA, Men’s Sheds or cultural events if community members did not contribute their time and expertise.
National Volunteer Week is a great opportunity to say Thank You and to encourage others to get involved.
Terry Redman
Member for Warren-Blackwood