The Nationals WA have today unanimously endorsed the recognition of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution at the party’s 2016 Annual State Conference.
Leader Brendon Grylls said the lay party’s decision to support a motion recommending constitutional recognition of Australia’s first inhabitants was a historic and proud occasion for The Nationals WA.
“The Nationals WA were instrumental in ensuring Aboriginal people were recognised as our State’s first people in the WA constitution,” Mr Grylls said. “Unfortunately Australia’s founding document, its constitution, only the recognises the country’s colonial history and not that of Aboriginal Australia.
“WA was the final state to officially recognise Aboriginal people in its constitution, this demonstrates the nation is united at a State level, it is now time for the Commonwealth to act.”
Mr Grylls said today’s endorsement sent a powerful message to Canberra.
“Australians believe in equality and opportunity, and it is important we have a Constitution which reflects that,” Mr Grylls said.