The Shire of Plantagenet has been allocated a State Government grant of more than $197,000 for Stage Two of the Plantagenet District Hall Revitalisation project.
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA today welcomed the grant, which was awarded through the Regional Venues Improvement Fund (RVIF), via Royalties for Regions
“Congratulations to the Shire of Plantagenet on their successful grant application,” Mr Waldron said.
“I’m really pleased they will receive funding to upgrade their local arts centres as this will benefit their communities and likely attract more people to participate and to attend performances and displays,” he said.
Details of the local grant include:
Shire of Plantagenet $197,358
Stage Two of the Plantagenet District Hall Revitalisation project is a functional upgrade of the venue, including restroom facilities, installation of tiered seating, cycloramas and floor restoration. The refurbishment will enable the venue to present a broader range of performances more frequently.
Member for Warren-Blackwood Terry Redman MLA, whose electorate will take in the Plantagenet region at the 2017 State election, said the RVIF was part of the State Government’s $24 million investment, over four years, into regional culture and arts through the Creative Regions Program.
“The Creative Regions program is made possible by Royalties for Regions,” Mr Redman said.
“It is essential we continue to deliver culture and arts programs, complete venue upgrades and provide opportunities for further performances to visit our regions. Culture and the arts, similar to sport and recreation, are important to the wellbeing and sustainability of our regional communities and residents,” Mr Redman said.
A total of $2.09 million in grants has been provided in the latest round of RVIF to improve facilities at performing arts venues across regional Western Australia.
The fund helps improve facilities at regional performing arts venues to better accommodate regional performing arts organisations and artists, as well as enabling more performing arts groups to tour the regions.
“These grants are developing tangible outcomes which support the development of culture and the arts in the Wagin electorate and across regional WA,” Mr Waldron said.
The third round of RVIF grants opens on Monday 30 January, 2017. For more information, visit
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email or Terry Redman on 9848 3171 or E: