Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA was in Gnowangerup yesterday for the anticipated official opening of the redeveloped Gnowangerup swimming pool.
Mr Waldron said it was a “glorious sunny day”, for the opening of the redeveloped local pool.
“The Gnowangerup pool replacement project received funding from several State Government sources, including the Department of Sport and Recreation, Royalties for Regions via the Great Southern Development Commission and the Local Government Fund, and Lotterywest,” Mr Waldron said.
“I congratulate the Shire, local Gnowangerup sporting complex committee and the community for this project. This is an exceptional new pool that sets a benchmark for regional communities, and is an important investment into the Gnowangerup community and surrounds. It will be enjoyed by locals and visitors for many years to come.”
Thirteen community pools in the Wagin electorate will also benefit from funding of $3 million in pool and water playground funding, which was announced late last week.
The latest Community Pool Revitalisation Program grants worth $416,000 were allocated to –
Darkan Swimming Pool
Dumbleyung Swimming Pool
Gnowangerup Community Swimming Pool
Jerramungup Swimming Pool
Katanning Aquatic Centre
Kevin O’Halloran Memorial Swimming Pool (Kojonup)
Kulin Aquatic Centre
Lake Grace Swimming Pool
Mount Barker Swimming Pool
Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre
Wagin Memorial Swimming Pool
Wickepin Aquatic Centre
Williams Swimming Pool
“Thirteen community pools in the Wagin electorate will each benefit from a $32,000 grant designed to assist them towards pool upgrades, maintenance, equipment, staff development or a reduction of pool entry costs,” Mr Waldron said.
Mr Waldron said the local pools were among 95 state-wide to benefit in time for summer, thanks to an injection of funding through the program, which was made possible by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.
“Pools are great for exercise and playing sport, though it’s actually an important way for regional residents to connect socially with each other,” he said.
Nationals WA candidate for WA Peter Rundle who was also in Gnowangerup for the pool opening and swam an honorary first lap, said enhancing community pool facilities and services supported regional communities in various ways.
“In regional areas, community pools allow people of all ages to keep active as well as staying connected to their local community and it’s thanks to Royalties for Regions that those living and working in regional WA are enjoying improved infrastructure and services,” Mr Rundle said.
For further information or to apply for the Community Pool Revitalisation Program please visit
For media enquiries contact Terry Waldron on 9881 1225 or email or Peter Rundle on M: 0418 959 810 or E:
Member for Wagin Terry Waldron MLA and Nationals WA candidate for Roe at the official opening of the brand new Gnowangerup swimming pool.