Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman, stated he was disappointed that the newly released Federal budget outlined underwhelming funding for mobile communication towers.
“You would think that something as fundamental as regional communications would be a priority,” Mr Redman said.
Up-to-date communication technology is vital for regional businesses, agricultural practices and tourism, as well as the safety of families.
“Nothing will unlock the economic potential of regional WA like communications technology,” Mr Redman said.
The Nationals WA committed $105 million of Royalties for Regions funding over 8 ½ years towards 344 new mobile phone towers in regional WA. In contrast the Federal budget only provides for $60million for the whole of Australia for 2017-18 to 2019-20.
“I find it interesting in the Federal budget announcements that reference is made to the number of mobile towers that have been built in WA, yet there is no reference to the significant Royalties for Regions contribution made by the WA Government.”
“With communications a Federal responsibility, I am extremely disappointed that such a trivial amount has been allocated for regional phone towers in the budget,” Mr Redman said.