Boost for Wheatbelt child care services
Work to create sustainable early childhood care and education services in the Wheatbelt will be greatly enhanced thanks to Royalties for Regions investment into the child care sector in regional…
Work to create sustainable early childhood care and education services in the Wheatbelt will be greatly enhanced thanks to Royalties for Regions investment into the child care sector in regional…
Central Wheatbelt primary schools in Kondinin, Tammin and Trayning are among 61 public schools across WA to receive up to $20,000 each for new playground equipment and shade structures. Member…
Projects in Merredin, Goomalling, Beverley, Wundowie and Northam have received significant funding through the Wheatbelt Development Commission’s Regional Grants Scheme, made possible by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program.…
The Goldfields-Esperance Development Commission has today announced the grant recipients of the region’s Regional Grants Scheme, made possible by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program. Travelling to the Ngaanyatjarraku…