The future looks even brighter for WA’s agriculture industry today, with The Nationals WA announcing a $277 million commitment to support the ongoing growth of the sector.
Announced by Leader of The Nationals WA Brendon Grylls, the policy will build on the hugely successful $300m Seizing the Opportunity in Agriculture initiative made possible by the Party’s flagship Royalties for Regions policy.
“The Nationals WA understand the agricultural sector’s role as an important contributor to the State’s economy,” Mr Grylls said.
“This is why The Nationals WA have allocated a record investment of over $600 million to agriculture projects since 2008.
“Our new policy shows our ongoing commitment to this important industry by investing into research and development, marketing, infrastructure and education to grow this vital industry.”
The Nationals’ $277 million agriculture policy will deliver:
$87m to continuing the Water for Food program
$63m to fund Local Government lime and commodity routes
$35m to increase grower group grants
$40m to establish and develop and animal research institute in WA
$50m to Genetically Modified research fund
$2m to enable the Muresk Institute promote courses
Examining the BAM Act to ensure NRM functions appropriately across all of WA
Implementing recommendations of the Economic Regulatory Authority’s Review of the Railways (Access) Code 2000, to ensure mistakes of the past are not repeated.
Mr Grylls said The Nationals WA had a strong record of delivering for WA’s agriculture sector and the new policy would serve to complement the important work already undertaken through Royalties for Regions.
“Since 2008, we have supported the development of the beef and sheep industries, grower groups, upgrades to vital infrastructure and improving biosecurity,” Mr Grylls said.
“The Nationals’ policy maps out a clear path forward for WA farmers to ensure they remain competitive and profitable into the future.”
For media enquiries contact Jessica Hayes on 0427 333 147