Candidate for Albany Delma Baesjou says The Nationals WA commitment to provide free entry to the National Anzac Centre would be beneficial for the city and would encourage visitation to the Great Southern.
The motion to endorse free entry and advocate for a $20 million joint State and Federal investment to further develop the fortress precinct was carried at The Nationals WA State Conference on Saturday.
Ms Baesjou, pictured above speaking to the motion, said The Nationals had been working productively with federal counterparts to annex the NAC to the Australian War Memorial so visitors could access the world class facility without cost.
“The NAC is a monument to Albany’s role in our nation’s military history and is hugely popular with visitors to the area,” she said.
“Annexing it with the AWM would allow free entry for visitors and locals, as is afforded to visitors of other AWM sites in Australia and abroad.
“Education opportunities and awareness about Albany’s involvement in The Great War would increase and an investment in the lower forts precinct would attract more people to the site and to stay in our city.”
Among other motions carried was a 20-year commitment to upgrade Albany Highway with continuous overtaking lanes or a dual carriageway and establishing a dedicated fund for additional Centres for Outdoor Recreation Excellence.
Ms Baesjou said the region had again pioneered the way with the Great Southern Centre for Outdoor Recreation Excellence which could provide the blueprint for other regions.
“GSCORE has done extensive work developing a track and trail plan to unlock the treasure trove of natural experiences that our region offers,” she said.
“Realising health benefits and educational value of nature-based tourism, The Nationals WA are committed to enhancing this fast growing sector and making sure all of the State’s nine regions maximise outdoor education opportunities.”
Leader Mia Davies said growing tourism and education opportunities in Albany would result in more visitors requiring safe passage by road to the Great Southern centre.
“That’s why The Nationals WA see value in improving safety and productivity on Albany Highway, which will benefit all the communities between Perth and Albany,” she said.