In opening the ‘Unearth Discover Embrace’ exhibition in Pemberton on Friday 29th April, Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman said he was very impressed with the quality of art displayed.
“Exhibitions such as this one, unearth talent from the local area as well as further afield,” Mr Redman said.
“It is encouraging to see emerging artists alongside recognised artists and to appreciate the diversity and quality on display,” Mr Redman said. “I am in awe of the skill of artists in capturing everyday occurrences and turning them into special moments.”
Mr Redman encouraged people to discover the hidden gems in both the exhibition as well as in the natural beauty and outstanding produce of the Pemberton region. The work of the Pemberton Arts Group helps to promote the town and region and adds another layer to the many attractions in the area.
In acknowledging the efforts of the organising committee, Mr Redman said, “I always admire people who embrace challenges such as hosting this exhibition, and despite the hard work they make the event look effortless.” He extended his congratulations to Anna Czerkasow and the Pemberton Arts Group on a successful exhibition.
For media enquiries please contact Terry Redman on 9848 3171 or