WA Treasurer admits Federal counterparts not doing their job
The Nationals WA Candidate for O’Connor, John Hassell has lashed out at Western Australia’s Federal MPs, saying they have not done enough to secure GST funding for WA. Yesterday’s State…
The Nationals WA Candidate for O’Connor, John Hassell has lashed out at Western Australia’s Federal MPs, saying they have not done enough to secure GST funding for WA. Yesterday’s State…
Local MPs Mia Davies MLA and Martin Aldridge MLC have welcomed the announcement that Pingelly and Cunderdin have embraced a new model of care for older people. The innovative project,…
Across the State, Royalties for Regions will invest $651 million over four years for community support services including the Country Age Pension Fuel Card, the Emergency Service Volunteers Fuel Card,…
Across the State, Royalties for Regions will invest $651 million over four years for community support services including the Country Age Pension Fuel Card, the Emergency Service Volunteers Fuel Card,…
The electorate of Warren-Blackwood is set to benefit from Royalties for Regions investment in the areas of health, community support services, education, Aboriginal development, agriculture, tourism and the arts. Member…
Nominations for the 2016 Western Australian Regional Achievement and Community Awards are now open. Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said the awards encouraged, acknowledged and…
The service and sacrifice of WA’s Victoria Cross (VC) and George Cross recipients will be remembered with each recipient being commemorated at rest stops along the Albany and South Western…
The Standing Committee on Legislation tabled its report on the Mining Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 in the Western Australian Legislative Council today. Committee member Dave Grills MLC said the report…
Communities across the Mining and Pastoral Region are set to benefit from a new $16 million Western Australian Regional Film Fund, designed to drive production investment and job creation in…
The Albany region is set to benefit from a new $16 million Western Australian Regional Film Fund, designed to drive production investment and job creation across country WA. Nationals Member…