The State Government has today announced two grant schemes to drive agricultural innovation and export growth in WA thanks to the $350 million Seizing the Opportunity in Agriculture initiative funded by Royalties for Regions.
Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Dave Grills MLC said the grants schemes highlighted the State Government’s commitment to growing the value of the State’s agrifood sector and capitalising on increasing world demand for food.
“Grants between $20,000 and $500,000 are available to eligible WA-based grower groups to stimulate research, innovation and collaboration along the supply chain,” Mr Grills said.
“A total of $10.5 million is available under this second funding round of the Grower Group R&D grants program.”
Mr Grills said the previous round of funding supported groups across the agrifood sector in WA, including in the areas of grains, livestock, horticulture, honey, wine, citrus and truffles.
A total of $1.3 million is also available to assist industry groups or organisations become more competitive in the global marketplace.
“Grants of between $20,000 and $100,000 are available to agribusinesses looking to maximise international business growth under the Industry Grant for International Competitiveness program,” Mr Grills said.
“The grants are designed to support organisations seeking to better position themselves in competitive export markets.
“We recognise that helping the local industry tap into new opportunities overseas will generate significant long-term economic benefits and drive regional development.
“The agrifood sector is a significant source of employment and continues to be the economic lifeblood of many communities in the Mining and Pastoral Region.”
Nationals WA Candidate for the Kimberley Rob Houston encouraged local agribusinesses and grower groups to apply for grants under the two schemes to help capitalise on opportunities for growth.
“The rapidly growing demand for safe, quality food across the globe presents a unique opportunity for the Kimberley’s agrifood sector,” Mr Houston said.
“With targets to triple the value of the Kimberley’s food industry production to $1 billion per year, it’s vital that local agribusinesses are able to take full advantage of the world’s appetite for high quality produce.
“The Kimberley has the land, the water and the drive to become a critically important food producing region.”