The Nationals WA will invest $61 million to improve road safety across regional WA if returned to Government at the State election.
Deputy Leader and Member for the Central Wheatbelt Mia Davies MLA was in Northam yesterday with Leader Brendon Grylls to announce the Regional Road Safety Strategy.
Two strategy funds – Wheatbelt Road Safety Campaign ($5 million) and Wheatbelt Road Safety Force ($12 million) – are dedicated to changing driver behaviour and boosting the region’s traffic police force.
Ms Davies said road safety was a high priority for The Nationals and a targeted, coordinated effort by all stakeholders was required to reduce road fatalities across regional WA.
“Statistics tell us regional WA, particularly the Wheatbelt, has a shocking road toll when compared to metropolitan areas,” Ms Davies said.
“A collaborative and concerted effort from Government, industry and all road users is needed to reduce fatalities and serious injury on our roads.”
Ms Davies said State Government initiatives such as the Towards Zero campaign and Road Trauma Trust Account (RTTA) had improved fatality rates, but it was clear some areas of WA required greater focus.
“We want our strategy to make WA roads safer starting in the Wheatbelt where the death toll is highest and expanding successful elements of the program across regional WA,” Ms Davies said.
The Nationals WA $61 million Road Safety Strategy will deliver:
- $5 million to Wheatbelt Road Safety Campaign
- $4 million to Road Safety Community Action Fund
- $40 million to Safer Roads Fund
- $12 million to Wheatbelt Road Safety Force
- Review into the Road Trauma Trust Account
“This Strategy reaffirms our commitment to regional road safety and we continue to work with the community to reach the ultimate goal of zero road fatalities,” Ms Davies said.
For more information visit:
For media enquiries please contact Mia Davies on 9622 2871 (Northam office) or 9041 1702 (Merredin office) or email
Nationals WA Agricultural Region candidate Leigh Ballard, Deputy Leader Mia Davies, Leader Brendon Grylls and Agricultural Region MP Hon Martin Aldridge MLC unveil their $61 million Regional Road Safety Strategy.
The Nationals WA team launched their $61 million Regional Road Safety Strategy with road safety advocates in Northam.