WA police will continue to benefit from Regional WA Attraction and Retention Allowance through the Regional Police Incentives Program if The Nationals WA are re-elected at the March 2017 State election.
Member for Moore Shane Love MLA said The Nationals WA understood the important work undertaken by regional police and supported the extension of the program, which is designed to attract and retain officers in communities where it is hard to fill and retain positions.
“$10.5 million has been allocated up to June 2017 to provide police officers with incentives for regional service in hard to fill locations,” Mr Love said.
“Since the introduction of the Attraction and Retention Allowance in 2013, the number of weeks taken to fill a vacancy has more than halved. This highlights how effective this investment has been.
“If elected on March 11, The Nationals will fight to ensure the continuation of this important allowance in recognition of the important services provided by police across regional WA.”
Mr Love said The Nationals WA had a strong record of delivering for regional police through investment into regional communities, communications, emergency services and infrastructure such as courthouses and police stations thanks to Royalties for Regions.
“In regional WA our police are often so much more than just law enforcement in our communities,” Mr Love said.
“Not only are regional police friends and mentors, but they are also a guiding force for at-risk people, they help in our schools, they are coaches in the local sports team, as well as peace keepers and helpers to those in need.”